Friday 10 October 2014

The Red Moon of 9th October 2014

Evening sky-watchers in much of Asia and early risers in America were treated to the incredible sight of the moon turning red in Wednesday’s lunar eclipse, the second of  the lunar tetrad of 2014-2015. It is a series of four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons). The first was on the night between 14-15th April 2014, second was on this 7-8th October and the following two will occur on 4th April 2015 and 28th September 2015. The last time a tetrad took place was in 2003-2004, with the next predicted for 2032-2033. In total, the 21st century will see eight tetrads.

Astronomically, the term Blood Moon was not used in quite this way before this year, but now the term has become widespread in the media. The origin of the term is religious and the term Blood Moon in Biblical prophecy appears to have been popularized by two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee.

Astronomically, religiously or as simple spectators, people in most parts of the world watched the spectacular event but unfortunately, I missed the red moon on the night of the eclipse. Right now being in a forest area of Assam collecting data for a project, I happen to be basking in the lap of nature. Chasing butterflies in the  morning and watching fireflies dancing in the evening.   Now yesterday evening at around 5.45 PM the electricity went off and it was a total blackout.  I sat quitely on the patio watching the glowing fireflies darting in and out of the grilled iron gate and dancing in the pitch dark garden. An enchanting sight it was. After about half an hour, something within made me look  up in the sky and I saw  the amazing red moon coming  out from behind a tree.  Since it was the day after the full moon, the moon rose late and was just coming out from behind the tree that moment. I quickly rushed inside to get my camera and then captured a few shots before it turned back to its original colour. I am not an astronomer who can explain why the moon is red when it was supposed to be so the day before. But I am glad that I managed to get a few shots of the moon who decided to show me it's beauty when it turns red. Sharing a few of my shots (taken between 6.05PM to 6.25PM.) with you all.

"The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. "

Just quoting the Biblical Prophecy. I do not wish to go into a deep discussion about it. All I wish is to share this beautiful red moon of the evening of 9th October  2014 viewed here in Assam, India.


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